Read & watch below what others have to say about Amanda Brown's work as a Coach, Author & Mindset Mentor.

I wanted to work out what next
Samantha Lubanzu | MCIPD Inclusion & Diversity Specialist, Career and Business Coach for Women
I have to begin by just saying " WOW" ! It takes a lot to give me the wow effect, and Amanda has managed it effortlessly. I am so blown away by Amanda's technique in coaching and in the short space of time she has taken me outside of my comfort zone and made me see that anything is truly possible if you believe in yourself, your dreams and goals. I did not expect to come out of her coaching a completely different lady and one that is very confident, very sure of her purpose and also has a very clear action plan that is being implemented successfully. Now watch this space as I skyrocket to success (...confidence in abundance ... ). With all my heart " Thank you" Amanda.
I wanted to feel calm and in control
Alex Hall | Director, Deloitte
I have thoroughly enjoyed my 1-2-1 coaching with Amanda and found myself really looking forward to each session. Working with Amanda has helped me to explore the changes I wanted to make across different areas of my life and to look at this holistically, so it has not just been career focussed. The sessions have given me a renewed confidence that I can do things ‘my way’ and I had a few light bulb moments and insight into the way I think about things and approach certain situations. It has been a very positive and fun experience and I will continue to use the tools that Amanda has shared with me. Best of all, I have come away feeling calm, in control and on top of things, which is exactly what I was searching for.

I wanted to find myself again
Gill Hesketh | Marketing Director, Wessanen
Amanda enabled me to see my own potential, feel empowered, capable and confident. Being truly comfortable with who I am and what I want was always within me; I feel like I’ve been introduced to the me that I am incredibly proud to be. Being able to focus on your present and future happiness is a feeling of enlightenment. I like the word enlightenment, I understand it when people say they found God; I found me, that was all I’d been looking for and it was much more comforting than I’d ever imagined. The thing we all have in common is a desire to be happy; being yourself and believing that is all you ever need to be, is a revelation.
I was looking for something new, a feeling inside and to meet new people
Helen Dibble – Incredibble
I've been a part of Amanda's Make Life Happen programme for the last three years. The mindset, tools and approaches she's given me have helped transform my business. She's also connected me to the most amazing community of like-minded women. Women who are driven, intelligent and supportive. It's changed my life and business in ways big and small. I can't thank her enough or more highly recommend her programmes for women ready to step into their potential.

I was looking for clarity in my next career step
Sarah Chadbourne | HR Director
I have been working with Amanda for a couple of years both 121 coaching and also part of her two programmes. I first engaged with Amanda when I felt a little stuck on what was next for me career wise. What followed was 6 amazing coaching sessions and a fantastic new job working flexible hours! I just love Amanda’s energy and approach. Since discovering Amanda I truly feel like I have discovered myself!
I had been really wanting to make a change.
Bev Abdulla | FCIPD
I knew I wanted something different but couldn’t work out what – I was stuck I knew I was here and wanted to be somewhere but not sure how to make it happen. Taking this course completely changed me and my life. I feel calmer, braver, happier and with an inner peace I’d only hoped for. I would never have made some of the big changes without this course. I was always a positive person and achieved everything in work, but this took me to another level and made me look at my whole life differently. I did wonder if it would change me and in the end I just thought, I have nothing to lose if it doesn’t work I won’t have lost anything. I am so pleased I did this; I have gained so much. My whole life is different, and the inner calm is just the cherry on the cake.

I needed to focus my mind on me
Delphine Bantock | Associate Directo, Grant Thornton
Amanda's programme was just what I needed to focus my mind on me. From the initial bootcamp day where Amanda took us through creating an initial personal vision board, to weekly updates to try others to keep focused on making change happen, this programme has really helped me gain clarity, take control and understand what I needed to do. The tools shared around taking control and gaining clarity were absolutely fabulous! I would recommend this to anybody who finds themselves in a ‘stuck’ state.
Coaching relationships can run for many years
Karen Campbell-Williams | Head of Tax Grant Thornton
I have worked with Amanda for several years now which I have found hugely beneficial. It gives me the space to reflect and review and her questions and challenge always add a new perspective, opening new doors to my continued development. Amanda genuinely cares about me and my goals and aspirations and inspires real trust and confidence – fundamentally important in a coaching relationship.

Every now and then a book comes along...
...and unlocks and changes the way you see the world in a way that you want to share it with everyone you care about. Amanda Brown has written such a book.
I wanted to feel positive and passionate again
Cia Lou Cotongater | Director/Owner, Mad River Design
I find it difficult to describe just how impactful the two day VIP Retreat with Amanda was for me. I continue to surprise myself every day with this renewed positive attitude and energised approach to both my relationships and career which has quite literally, changed my life. By ridding myself of the negative emotions that were controlling my actions, I now have belief in myself and a clear, exciting vision of where I want to be. Amanda’s professional and personal approach ensured that the whole process was not only enlightening, but fun and I can’t recommend her enough’’

Reading this book is like taking a happiness pill.
But you won’t be left high and dry. There’s practicality here too. The Lipstick Principles is uplifting, inspiring and motivating. It’s the book every woman who wants to reach her potential needs to read.